“When you’re in it. You just can’t see your way out. You’re so tired. The idea of bliss seems…well to be truthful…kind of ridiculous. I never thought I’d be saying I had the time to go for a ride 4 times in one week with my husband. It’s amazing. We’re tracking in the right direction. I’m so grateful for the Burnt out to Blissed Out Program”
“ I was a big hot mess this spring. Overwhelmed, tired, “ragey mom”, no enthusiasm for anything... burnt out!!! With Christy’s amazing wisdom and guidance, she helped me face some truths about myself and my past and also work through the stress.
I’m more patient, calm, excited about new ideas (at work), motivated and just overall way happier. Honestly, I’m not sure where I’d be without Christy!
I can confidently say now that I’m on the right track to pure Bliss!!! Thank you. I now have the tools so that when life gets a little crazy (as it does). I can handle it!!! Bring it on! ”
“The Burnt Out to Blissed Out coaching program with you is the best thing I ever did for myself”
“Before the program every felt chaotic, I was stupid busy, working evenings and weekends, my relationships were suffering, I was feeling sluggish, like I had a big boulder of heavy energy on my shoulders. I was felt stuck in a rut and was bored in my business.
As a result of the Burnt Out to Blissed Out program, I’m now working way less, I have time to workout and socialize, I’ve let go of employees that were creating stress and overwhelm in my business. I have way more time with my kids which is having such a positive impact on my relationship with me son. My communication with my wife is so much better and we’re creating time for date nights and other opportunities to spend time together.
I feel like I have more control, less anxiety. I know that setting healthy boundaries is good for myself and my family and that saying no is an act of kindness and I feel excited again to create and get out there and run a business that I’m passionate about!”
“It has slingshotted me into creating the life I only used to dream about!
I have always been huge believer in personal growth so Christy’s Burnt Out to Blissed Out Program seemed like a naturally great fit for me. With any coaching program, the results are never immediate, it is always a process and now that I look back on my journey. I have come to realize that SO many seemingly impossible things at the time, were actually totally possible! It has slingshotted me into creating the life I only used to dream about! Thank you Christy for helping me be a better BOSS in all aspects of my life!”
“In reality I was burnt out and didn’t even realize it. Thanks for busting me out of a 16 year business rut and giving me more time to have fun in my business and in my community. Changes and improvements are still happening! ”
“I acknowledge that after a successful 25+ year career in Investment & Portfolio Management and moving across the country, I was burnt-out and suffered from decision fatigue.
I felt lost and wanted a new direction to channel my energy, but I could not manage to reset or break my habits on my own. Christy, your Burnt-out to Blissed out Program and Personal Coaching rescued me. It provided me with the tools and resources I needed to clear out and declutter both physically and emotionally.
I have gone from doing the things that I thought I needed to do, in a very hurried, disconnected and driven way to being the person I want to be, more mindful, present and calm. I’m extremely grateful for having taken this journey with you Christy, your wonderful insight, which you so beautifully presented, along with your support, encouragement and belief in me has left me with an overwhelming feeling of peace, calm and a solid feeling of I’m where I want and should be.
As I continue to embark on this new chapter of my life, I feel that a door has been opened to the most exciting part and I’m deeply excited. I cannot thank you enough for helping me release from my old ways and reset for an even brighter future!”
“My Breakthrough Session with Christy Nichol was transformational! As a result of this breakthrough session I am now making more money with my primary job. It got me motivated to start looking at all areas of my life for the purpose of reflecting and refining what it is that I want in order to feel more fulfilled and more excited, and feeling grateful for where I am and eager for more! I am already happier in my day-to-day life and it even helped me rekindle my love relationship! For anyone who is feeling stuck and in need of someone to help them sort through things and get to the root of what is going on, I highly recommend a Bliss Breakthrough with Christy”
“Hiring Christy and stepping into the Burnt Out to Blissed Out Program was absolutely the best thing for helping me find my North Star and to hit the reset button on my life. The changes that happened in a mere 6 months is still quite mind-boggling.
I’ve always been someone who could figure my way out of things ~ always knowing what was best for me and any situation I was currently in my life from the outside looked to others like it was complete yet I knew in my heart there were missing piece. In this instance, I came to realize I did not have the tools to figure out what those critical missing pieces were.
The Burnt Out to Blissed Out program helped me put focus on areas of my life that were in desperate need of change. I am so very grateful to Christy for giving me the tools and coaching me in the direction for me to live my best life…. thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“I feel a million times lighter! Thank you for helping me recognize and clear the mindset blocks that were keeping me stuck and preventing me from making a needed change in my business so that I could free up my time and energy to focus on my own well-being... It feels great to set healthy boundaries. Yay! ”
Schedule a complimentary BLISS BREAKTHROUGH SESSION where we’ll discover:
The top 3 things keeping you stuck in the run of burnout: feeling tired, overwhelmed and exhausted
#1 Thing you need to do to move forward so that you can live, work and play from a full gas tank instead of an empty gas can
If working together in the Burnt Out to Blissed Out Program is right for YOU!
“From feeling depressed, lost, physically sick and withdrawn, I became socially engaged, optimistic, refreshed, almost pain-free and full of new plans and ideas.”
“Before I did the Burnt Out to Blissed Out Program I was feeling unfocused, unable to make a decision, insecure and I was always second guessing myself. I was so busy putting everyone else’s needs first, worrying that I might offend or hurt someone if I made the wrong decision, that this left me feeling hollow and powerless.
As a result of the program, I am now feeling empowered to make decisions, I can put myself first and not feel bad about it and I can speak with confidence and clarity. I have a better sense of how I can achieve my goals now that I have cleared the self-limiting beliefs that were holding me back giving me a false sense of who I am in the world. Christy is an intuitively gifted coach and resonates so deeply with her work that every moment you are in the program you feel safe, supported and hopeful. ”