

I balance work & play everday

I balance work & play everday

Have you ever found yourself working too hard to find a solution to a problem, or working past the point of fatigue when you KNOW you're not being efficient anymore?

That's a clear sign you've got a WORK/PLAY imbalance and it's time to go and doing something FUN!

It's actually the responsible choice in the moment.

Before the Christmas break, I was feeling a bit worried that we wouldn't find someone to take care of our pets while we were away.

Now, if you're a pet person, you know what it's like to leave your furry friends behind for an extended period of time, and how important it feels to find the "RIGHT" person to love them up while you're away, (so that you can take a much needed break from your everyday reality to avoid burnout).

The problem with worry is that it creates contraction in our body. And contraction cuts off possibility. It's kind of like paying dividends on what you don't want to happen.

Focusing on worrying about not finding someone to pet sit over the Christmas holidays, was futile.

So instead of staying home and fretting over not having a solution, and going deeper down the well of worry about it, I consciously chose PLAY.

PLAY in the form of going skiing for a couple of hours, to purposely raise my vibration and get the blood flowing to my pre-frontal cortex...where all solutions to problems lay!

Well wouldn't you know it. On my first run down the hill, I bumped into a gal I knew, who had previously offered to pet sit for us in the past. She was home for the holidays and was delighted at the idea of coming to stay and pet sit. It was a win-win in every way!

Woot Woot!

If you find yourself struggling to find a solution to a problem or burning the midnight oil to get a task done, take your attention off the problem. STOP over-working and go PLAY.

PLAY is when the magic happens and the best solutions appear!

Affirm: I balance work and play everday

P.s Do you find yourself pushing past the point of fatigue, working long hours or struggling to fit anything fun into your schedule (an overwhelmed schedule with an underwhelmed soul)?

If so, let’s hop on a call together so that we can discover the top 3 reasons that keep you working so hard (without enough quality time for fun) and the #1 thing you need to move forward.

I put my ENERGY into the things that MATTER to me

I put my ENERGY into the things that MATTER to me

Sunday Jan 26, 2020. REGISTER EARLY!

Sunday Jan 26, 2020. REGISTER EARLY!