

You are ADEQUATE for all Situations

You are ADEQUATE for all Situations

Have you ever held yourself back from taking an action step forwards towards a dream or a goal because you thought you weren't good enough or didn't have the skills or knowledge to move forward?

I see this a lot with the clients that I work with in the Burnt Out to Blissed Out program. It's one of the hidden causes of burnout.

The belief that you're not adequate or good enough to take the actions that would move you towards a dream or a goal that your soul is longing for. Ugh!

So instead, you do nothing. You find yourself playing it safe and staying in your comfort zone just going through the motions, but inwardly they feel over-worked, unhappy and possibly resentful or even depressed.

The bottom line, you feel STUCK. Kind of like you're trapped behind an RV going 60 in a 90km/h zone with no passing lane. Double Ugh!

No forward momentum. Stuck, Stagnant and Blah. Stuck in the rut of Burnout.

So what holds you back?

In my experience working with clients, there is often a fear of failing. A fear of making mistakes. And one of the all time biggies, the fear that others will judge you.

[Side note: people ARE judging you ALL of the time. That's never going to stop. So would you rather be judged for following your dreams and taking actions towards your goals or for doing the same old thing with no forward momentum. Either way you're being judged.]

Here's how it might show up...

Fear of Failing if you ask for the promotion that would bring in extra income that would free up resources in your household for investing in your health and well-being

Fear of making a mistake if you put yourself out there and ask for what you want and need from your boss, significant other or family members.

Fear that you'll be judged if you set a healthy boundary for your time and energy. For example, choosing to not see clients on Monday so that you can have a day to work on your business not in it, or do a fun outdoor activity that nourishes your soul so that you can be more fully present for your family and clients when you need to be.

Here's the thing…


You are capable of taking that action step in your life that you think would bring you more peace, more balance and more joy in your personal and professional life.

So what's holding you back?

If there's an action that you know you're not taking and because you're afraid to make a mistake, afraid to fail or afraid you'll be judged, I invite you to get yourself in my calendar so that we can discover the true reason you're holding yourself back and the number one thing to move forward.

P.s. Don't let the fear of failing, or being judged stop you from putting yourself in my calendar. I promise you, you'll get nothing but positive reinforcement and support from me. I'm on your side 

You’re not “too” anything to go for your dreams!

You’re not “too” anything to go for your dreams!