Burnt Out to Blissed Out. Find out how
Do you ever wake up in the morning dreading the mountain of tasks that somehow feel soul sucking and depleting albeit necessary?
How would it feel to look forward to your day’s to do's, even better, to get to the end of the day having enough energy to call up your bestie and go for a soul soothing walk in the woods together instead of dragging your butt through your front door, wanting to bite the head off the first person that even thinks about making a simple demand of your time?
I see this often with the multi-passionate, savvy business woman that I work with in my coaching practice. SO many amazing ideas, SO much compassion and such a DEEP desire to serve, but they're tired, burnout and exhausted because they're trying to do EVERYTHING and take care of EVERYONE.
When coaching women through the journey of letting go of doing "everything" so that they can focus on leveraging their time, energy and attention in a way that feeds their soul AND allows them to give from a full tank, here are some of the most common mindset roadblocks blocks we run into...
💜 "I am afraid to say no because if I do, people may not like me"
💜 "If I choose one thing, what if it's the "wrong" one and I'm unhappy and/or bored with my choice (aka shiny object syndrome)?"
💜 "If I don't serve this group of people, I'll feel like I abandoning them and I don't want to let them down"
💜 "I feel good about myself when I'm helping others so if I'm not helping everyone, I won't feel good."
💜 "If I don't do it myself, it won't be done well so it's easier just to do it myself."
If you’ve been struggling with letting go of doing “everything”, so that you can focus on leveraging you time, energy and attention in a way that feeds your soul AND allows you to give from a full tank, I invite you to book in for a "Burnt out to Blissed out" Mindset Strategy Session
In our MINDSET STRATEGY session we will...
💜 discover your number one mindset block that drives you to chronically push yourself leaving you tired, burnout and exhausted
💜 identify some simple tweaks that will flip your mindset from "needing to do it all" to prioritizing your “must do’s” without feeling plagued by guilt
💜 create a simple plan to take the first steps towards balancing action and rest so that you can begin to give from a full tank not an empty gas can.