

I affirm positive solutions

I affirm positive solutions

The other morning I found myself in quite a state. I felt deeply saddened for the beautiful beings that had lost their lives in the recent Humboldt bus crash. Having been on so many of those buses myself, early on in my career as a Certified Athletic Therapist, it really hit close to home. And then the news that there were to military attacks on Syria. My heart ached a little bit more. I prayed for the peace and safety of the Syrian people and continue to do so. We're all one, on one planet. If they suffer, we suffer. Normally, I try to live in a bubble. I don't watch the news. I'm too sensitive to take it all in and not feel deeply affected, but this week, I couldn't escape. Thankfully, as always, the universe delivers little gifts whenever you need them. This week it comes in the form of an email excerpt from Louise Hay. I am grateful for her words...

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I affirm positive solutions for the highest good of all concerned.

"There is so much good I can do for the planet on an individual level. At times I may work for causes, putting my physical energy or finances into them. And at other times I may use the power of my thoughts to help heal the planet. If I hear news of a world disaster or acts of senseless violence, I use my mind in a positive way. I know that if I send angry thoughts towards those responsible, then I am not helping to heal. So I immediately surround the whole situation with love and affirm that out of this experience only good will come. I send positive energy and do visualizations, seeing the incident working out as quickly as possible with a solution that is for the best for everyone. I bless the perpetrators with love and affirm that the part of them where love and compassion dwells comes to the surface and that they too are healed. It is only when we are all healed and whole that we will have a healing world to live in."

L. Hay

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