

Focus on this to feel better in the moment

Focus on this to feel better in the moment

With all that's been going on in the world these days, I've been noticing how much more difficult it is at the moment to stay connected to JOY. 

With plans being changed or cancelled, our connections being more virtual and our lives being upended in many ways, as we re-create and re-balance our lives for ourselves and for the good of each other. 

It's not a simple or straightforward time. 

So I asked all of the members of the Burnt Out to Blissed Out FB Group what WORD best describes how you WANT to feel in your life and business right now?

Here's what they said.

 🌟 Energized. 

 🌟 Satisfied. 

 🌟 Joy. 

 🌟 Progressive.

 🌟 Balanced. 

 🌟 Spacious. 

 🌟 Stable. 

 🌟 Replenished. 

 🌟 Happy. 

 🌟 Inspired.

Can you relate to any of these? 

Feels good doesn't it. 

Can you imagine waking up everyday and feeling these feelings. 

What if that became your new normal?

Not tired, not depleted, not overwhelmed. 

Just spacious and balanced. 

How would that feel?

A common pitfall that I see with the women I coach is the idea of delaying their joy until later. 

"As soon as the kids go back to school, I'll start my yoga practice again so that I feel more REPLENISHED"

"After this next project is all wrapped up, I'll hang out with my girlfriends again so that I feel that JOY of connection"

"Just as soon as I tick everything off my to do list, life will feel so much more SPACIOUS and I'll read that book I've been wanting to get to for ages. 

Delaying for a later day, leads to burnout.

Why put off until tomorrow, what your soul is craving today?

Turn Delay in Today.

Is it spaciousness that you need and want? Set your iPhone timer for 15 minutes TODAY and sit and do nothing. Stare at the sky and just breathe. Take a spaciousness break. 

Is replenishment what you're craving? How could you replenish yourself TODAY? Is it 15 minutes of quiet mediation? An uplifting podcast? A 30 minute nap?

How about satisfaction?

I bet there are WAY more things to feel satisfied about in your life right now than you realize.

Are you satisfied with how many times you've persevered through challenging times and come out the other side stronger than before?

How about all of those parenting moments when you chose presence and connection over distraction?

Or maybe the millions of times you've been there to support a friend through a crappy day. 

How can you feel that satisfaction TODAY? 

I think that NOW more than ever, the preciousness of life is asking us to pay attention. 

Don't delay the JOY you want to experience TODAY. 

Just take a baby step. 

Focus on how you want to feel and get pro-active about bringing that feeling into your life today. 

From this place, you are so much more powerful!

Your gas tank is full, which means you're are inspired and can do the amazing things you were put on this planet to do. 

Don't delay. 

Feel good TODAY!

The world needs your gifts more than ever, and you can't give them when you're feeling burnt out!



P.s. If you're stuck in the rut of burnout and need some help to make a shift, download my free guide.

"5 Surprising Mistakes that Lead to Burnout (and what to do instead)"

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Choose Bliss. Choose YOU

Choose Bliss. Choose YOU