

4 hidden barriers that block your bliss

4 hidden barriers that block your bliss

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I recently shared with a couple of clients of mine the key "bliss blocker" that has prevented me from taking action in the past towards creating a blissful life of meaning and impact.

They were both shocked.

Now Way! They said....

Way! I replied.

Yup. I've got the "I'm not smart enough" bliss blocker that shows up every time I take a step forward in my life and business.

Did you know that most of us have a hidden bliss blocker, otherwise known as a PARADIGM , that keeps us repeating the same patterns of thinking, doing and being, over and over again.

It totally keeps us stuck.

We don't move forward because of old, negative beliefs that tell us we don't have what it takes to create a blissful life (even if all that means is creating a quiet hour alone on the couch to read a book without feeling guilty)

Our paradigm burns us out and deprives us of joy.

The truth is, most of us live our lives defined by one of these 4 unconscious, hidden barriers to bliss.

Feeling like we're fundamentally flawed (Too this, too that or just plain old not good enough)

A fear of outshining others

A fear of the burden of becoming more successful (it might be too hard work or too much responsibility)

A fear of abandonment or disloyalty (you don't want your friends of family to think you're trying to be "better" than them)

Can you relate to one of these?

We think we're not good enough, or smart enough to create the change in our lives that we say we want.

We're afraid if we become more successful, our friends might not like us anymore.

We're convinced it's too risky to try a new venture outside of our current comfort zone because something bad will happen.

But none of this is the TRUTH .

While it may feel like FACT, it's not the TRUTH.

The TRUTH is, you can be, do, create or give anything you want to in this lifetime.

But it also means you may need to step out of comfort zone to do so.

You need to get RUTHLESS with your negative beliefs and patterns of thinking that keep you small and make a commitment to clearing them out.

To equip yourself with power tools to shift your paradigm so that your paradigm doesn't keep you stuck.

It truly is possible to let go of old, negative beliefs that have stood in your way of your success and bliss. (After all, you're receiving this email...take that

So the question is, what are you waiting for?

Don't live your life by your default negative beliefs...DESIGN your life the way YOU want it to be!

P.s If your paradigm is keeping you stuck in your tracks, stopping you from creating a blissful life of meaning and impact, why waist another day repeating the same old day?

Grab a spot on my calendar for a Bliss Breakthrough call. I'll help you uncover the primary fear burning you out and the #1 thing you can do to move forward.

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