


   How many times have you overridden your intuition only to make a choice or decision that left you saying ”I should’ve known better”.   ”I did know better.”   But you didn't trust your intuition?  Instead of doing what is correct for YOU,

How many times have you overridden your intuition only to make a choice or decision that left you saying ”I should’ve known better”.

”I did know better.”

But you didn't trust your intuition?

Instead of doing what is correct for YOU, you just went with the flow. Allowed someone else’s agenda or lack of knowledge or understanding of your personal situation or values to dictate an outcome that left you feeling frustrated, resentful or way off course.

All because you didn't listen to your inner voice. The voice inside if you that already knew the correct answer for YOU.

These next few weeks will require a lot of decision making about your own personal well-being and the well being of those around you.

Have you taken the time to go within and connect with yourself and your knowing about what is correct and right for you?

It only takes a few minutes of your time now, that can save you countless hours of course correction later.

Find 15 minutes today to close your eyes, breathe fully, and find that place inside of you that KNOWS.

If you can't find 15 minutes now, what might that cost you later?

Take the time to align your energy with the decisions and outcomes that are right for YOU. Only YOU can KNOW what is right and correct for you in any given situation .


Ps. Do you struggle to communicate what's right for you in any given moment (even if you know?). If so I invite you to reach out to me so that we can discover the top 3 things holding you back from clearly communicating what's right and best for YOU.

What is life calling you to step into? What is the next step for YOU?

What is life calling you to step into? What is the next step for YOU?

 3 surprising ways to Navigate Change with more Ease

3 surprising ways to Navigate Change with more Ease