

You've seen my descent. Now watch my RISING.⁠

You've seen my descent. Now watch my RISING.⁠

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Have you ever felt knocked down by life? As if the universe has it in for you or something.

I call these the 🔥 WT(actual)F 🔥 moments.

We ALL have them.⁠

No. The Universe is mad at you.
It's not trying to punish you. ⁠
But it is trying to get your ATTENTION.

To wake up to a fuller expression of who you really are. ⁠
A being of Light. Of Magnificence. Of Extraordinary Possibility!⁠

Not that small you with unresolved hurt or disappointment.
With resentment from the past.⁠
With a heart full of un-forgiveness. ⁠

No. The Universe wants you to HEAL all of that so that you can RISE up and BE the extraordinary human being that you are.⁠

The Universe wants to trade in stress and struggle for Joy and Freedom.⁠
If only you will allow yourself 💫⁠
The Universe wants you to RISE UP above "circumstances". ⁠
To release the excuses of why you can't be, do or achieve what you say you want. ⁠

We all descend. We all experience the dark nights of the soul. ⁠
But then, we get to CHOOSE to rise up again.

⭐ Let this be the day you say...⁠
You've seen my descent. Now watch my RISING.⁠

I will not be defined by my circumstances or the burdens of the past.⁠


P.s For more bliss tips and strategies for overcoming stress, burnout and overwhelm, join me on Instagram. Just click the button below to follow along for tips.

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