

Change Your Thoughts

Change Your Thoughts

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I know...not exactly what you wanted to hear at the moment! ⁠
What you want to hear is that everything is going to be ok. It's all going to work out. Things will get better. ⁠
And the two year old inside of you (yes, we all have one), wants to cross her arms over her chest, stomp her feet and say "I don't want to change my thoughts", "I just want to things to go my way."⁠
Exhale. ⁠
First of all, let's honour that two year old. She's got something to say and it's valid. ⁠
Ignoring her won't help the situation. If you keep ignoring her, she'll keep finding ways to get your attention. Over and over and over again. Like a full blown meltdown in the grocery store aisle while everyone's watching. Awesome :)⁠
Acknowledge that things aren't going the way you want and that you would prefer something different and that's ok.⁠
Then, take a deep breath and shift into "what if' mode. What if this situation could change? How can I have what I want or need? What can I do to feel supported in this situation?⁠
⁠Change your thoughts and go on the offensive. Create a virtual reality in your mind of what you do want. ⁠
Your thoughts are creating your current reality. ⁠
⁠If you're not loving what you're creating...what tiny thought can you change to shift it?⁠
If you're struggling to make that change, message me your "icky" thought and I'll message you back a re-frame.⁠
When we're stuck in the mud stomping our feet, it can be hard to come up with a re-frame and gosh knows it's not serving anyone to stay there. (especially not you) 😉

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