

A surprising mantra that creates success

A surprising mantra that creates success

The first time I heard this Louise Hay quote it made me laugh out loud. Seriously. You want me to affirm that I'm beautiful and everybody loves me.

Hmmm...I’ll have to think about that one.

That said, she suggested walking down the street and thinking that very thought. ”I am beautiful and everybody loves me”.

So, I tried it on. Down the street, repeating the mantra in my head.

Well, wouldn't you know it.

People smiled at me.

Strangers said hello.

I even received an unsolicited compliment from a random person on the street.

Alright. I have to admit. This actually works.

Imagine what I would have attracted if I walked down the street thinking ”I look horrible and everyone hates me”

Can you feel the difference in the energy?

You know what it feels like to interact with someone in that energy. Not fun.

It's not about being vain or materialistic, it's about emanating an energy of confidence, approachability and connection.

That's what invites opportunity into your life.

That's what creates the magic and the miracles that make life fun.

Go ahead. Try it on and see what happens

The world needs more women showing up and owning their brilliance!


Ps. Have you been sabotaging yourself with thoughts and limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in a rut? Grab a call with me so that we can identify the top 3 things holding you back and the number one thing you need to do to move forward.

[Bliss Tip] Alert!

[Bliss Tip] Alert!

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Join the Gratitude Challenge!