

How to Avoid Burnout with your Kids at Home

How to Avoid Burnout with your Kids at Home

Blue Blueberries Food Fact Facebook Post (1).png

Join us as we dive into:

  1. How planning out your day or week is different now (amidst the current uncertainty)

  2. How do you avoid becoming overwhelmed with everything.

  3. How do you choose which tasks are essential.

  4. What if you get to the end of the day it was a total disaster?

Plus your concerns addressed…

  • For my teen, I struggle with watching her crying because she’s scared, and because she sees she’s losing a lot of opportunities to have fun while she can.

  • I'm an online student, I did plan for a break at the same time as my girls, but I'm not sure how I'll stay on top of everything with them home longer term.

  • I have so much of my own emotion to process that I don’t know how to be available for my kids and answer their questions about why they can’t play with their friends

  • If I hear “mooooom” one more time

  • I haven’t the slightest clue how to homeschool my feels overwhelming

  • and more…


Featuring Guest Expert…Melissa Beasley (, a skincare product entrepreneur and a success coach to survivors of domestic violence. She started making skincare in her parents’ kitchen to support herself and her two boys after her divorce. Melissa now uses the skills and knowledge she learned while growing her skincare business to help other survivors create the lives of their dreams. She understands the unique challenges that survivors face when trying to rebuild their lives and helps them navigate those challenges so they can move past the grief, pain and turmoil, and create a life ease and abundance.


P.S. Do you have a question about how to avoid Burnout with your kids at home? Head on over to the Burnt Out to Blissed Out FB Group. We’ll be answering your questions and giving you tools to avoid overwhelm!

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