

3 Simple Tips to Avoid Burnout for the Holidays

3 Simple Tips to Avoid Burnout for the Holidays

I’m not sure what it is about this time of year but our FOMO tends to get amplified and all of sudden we feel this crazy need to see all of our friends and family, in just a few short weeks. It’s as though the months of November, January or even February won’t cut it :)

If you’re FOMO is getting the best of you and you’ve been trying to pack in too much into a short space of time, here are 3 Simple Tips you can use to create Holiday Bliss.


Simplifying is the name of the game if you want to avoid burnout and stay sane this holiday season, especially when it comes to your schedule.

While you may struggle with saying no to invitations and requests your time over the holidays, out of fear of disappointing others, remember that you are the commodity and your time and energy is precious.

Simplifying your calendar and agenda is essential for managing and protecting your energy.

If saying no to friends and family who want to spend time with you, feels uncomfortable, make a solid plan for the New Year instead.

Here’s what you can say…

“I’d love to hang out and get together. We’ve got a number of things on already this month, can we set a sate in January to get together? I’d love to go for a ski/dinner/walk/____ with you”

Make a real plan of something fun to look forward to and put it in your calendar.

This way you get to honour your desire to spend time with close friends and family without having to cram all into a few weeks.

Chances are, your friend might be quietly relieved to have white space in her calendar too!


Giving yourself the gift of connecting with yourself consistently throughout the day is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. Think of it as literally plugging yourself into an outlet on the wall. A moment to pause, connect, get off of auto-pilot and re-charge your battery.

Ask yourself, “is what I’m about to do really important or necessary”? “Are my emotions or my energy levels trying to tell me something”?

If you are starting to feel upset, irritable or overwhelmed, press the pause button, plug yourself in and ask yourself, could I choose something different in this moment? Could I take a break? Could I ask for help? Could I simply say no?

What could I do in this moment, that would really allow me to feel a little more relaxed versus on the edge, and on edge, trying to get it all done.


If you feel your energy starting to dip or you notice yourself starting to stress, try this super simple body based tool to refresh your energy. Place your fingertips in the centre of your forehead.

Push in with your fingers, and then pull them apart with some pressure. Repeat by starting one inch above. Push in and Pull apart. Continue until you are all the way to the base of your skull. Finish with 3 deep breaths.

This body based tool will help you release stress and refresh your energy so that you’re ready to create a more blissful holiday experience and avoid unnecessary stress, drama or overwhelm.

You’ll be shocked about how effective it is and you’ll even find yourself remember things you might have forgotten!

Let this holiday be the restful and relaxing one your soul is craving. It’s the best gift you can give yourself and everyone else around you!

Wishing you a peaceful and restful holiday



P.s When you’re ready... here are three ways I can help you shift from Stressed Out to Blissed Out!

  1. Follow me and discover simple ways to release burnout and get yourself back to bliss- Click Here

  2. Join the Burnt Out to Blissed Out Facebook Community - get the tools and inspiration you need to ditch the burnout and create your blissful life with a community of like minded women! - Click Here

  3. Work with me to create your personal Burnt Out to Blissed Out Formula so that you can get out of the rut of burnout and reclaim your inner spark. You’ll receive one on one coaching from me in my Burnt Out to Blissed Out coaching program to help you have more time freedom for the things you love, more joy and definitely a whole lot more fun! To get started, you can Book Your Bliss Breakthrough call with me HERE

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