

[Bliss Tip] Alert!

[Bliss Tip] Alert!

Let's talk EMAIL!

As a professional woman or small business owner, the barrage of emails that come in during a single day can feel...


If you are not going to respond right away...DO NOT open your email.

The trick is to take your power back when it comes to your email.

Don`t open it until you`re ready to respond.

And definitely don`t open it when you`re feeling uber tired.

Just because an email decided to grace its presence in your inbox DOES NOT MEAN that you have to respond right away.

Instead, choose a time, when you feel ready and capable of responding.

I know that it can feel enticing to fit in one more thing, while you`re in the grocery store line. It feels efficient.

If you`re ready to respond immediately, then go for it.


If you`re not ready to respond to whatever you see, you may actually drain your battery more, by opening your email but not responding.

Having "that thing" you haven't dealt with weighing on your mind (and judging yourself for not replying sooner), depletes your battery.


It gives your body an unwelcome hit of adrenaline surging through your blood stream that you're not capable of processing appropriately when you`re standing in a grocery store line.

While you may feel like it`s saving you time, you`re actually training your nervous system and your clients, customers, colleagues, friends and family to have unrealistic expectations.

These expectations can become really draining really fast, and all of a sudden, you feel emotionally exhausted, and like you can't keep up.

This is what leads to burnout.

If you want to become a rockstar at owning your email, (not your email owning you), shoot for checking your email 2-3 times a day. Period.

For an extra hit of bliss...If you don`t know how to respond to an email, or the contents feel overwhelming, write a quick reply to let them know that you`ll be in touch in 48-72 hours.
Then, let it go, and ask the universe to help you find the perfect solution.

Let me know how it goes

Talk soon,


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