

You’re not “too” anything to go for your dreams!

You’re not “too” anything to go for your dreams!

Have you ever felt like your life is stagnant?

Stuck. Unchanging.

And to make matters worse, it seems like EVERYONE else around you is being handed sweet opportunities and doing super cool things….and you’re NOT!

Chances are, you’ve fallen into the “I’m too ______________” blues.

Allowing yourself to believe you can’t change, you can’t do or try new things or that there aren’t any new opportunities for you.

You start to believe...

  • You’re too old

  • You’re too young

  • You don’t have enough experience.

  • People might not like You

  • You’re too sensitive

  • You’re not smart enough

  • You’re don’t have the right education

  • You’re not outgoing

  • You;re too tall

  • You’re not wealthy enough....and on and on!

Did you know that Oprah was let go from her day job as a news anchor because she was “too”emotional? Yup. Fired...for being too emotional. Turns was the BEST THING EVER for her.

That emotional sensitivity made her exceptional at connecting with her audience as a talk show host and hey, we all know how spectacular that turned out!

Don’t let that three letter word “too”, hold you back and keep you stuck and stagnant. That’s what leads you to feelings of burnout.

Instead, turn it into your super power! You were born with a unique set of qualities that make you perfect for that calling in your heart and the desires of your soul!

You can be, do or have anything, if you allow it.

If you open yourself up to the possibility and remove the mindset blocks that hold you back.

Affirm: There is always an abundance of new opportunities on the horizon

Now is your time to shine 🌟 Not next year, not 3 months from now, not never!

What “too” is ruling your mind right now and holding you back from moving forward in your life?

Share with me in the FB Group!

I’d love to hear



P.S Are you ready to remove your ( “I’m too _______” ) mindset block that’s keeping you feeling boxed in to a way of being that you’re so sick and tired of you can’t stand it anymore? If so, I invite you to book yourself on my calendar for a free Burnout Assessment Session so that we can discover the top 3 things holding you back and the #1 thing you need to move forward!

Lost your glow? (It's time to get it back!)

Lost your glow? (It's time to get it back!)

You are ADEQUATE for all Situations

You are ADEQUATE for all Situations